We cater to clients across all sectors with our comprehensive HR services. Our head office is located in Bhubaneswar, and we proudly serve clients nationwide. As a gesture of goodwill, our hiring services are complimentary for our new clients.
To avail our hiring services, simply follow these steps:
- Send us your company details and the job description to our dedicated email address: hr@thetruehr.com. This information helps us understand your requirements and preferences. Kindly ensure that all communication is sent from your official domain email address to establish trust and facilitate seamless fulfillment of requirements.
- Once we receive your job posting, we promptly list it on our high-traffic job portal. This ensures maximum visibility and attracts a diverse pool of talented candidates.
- As interested candidates apply through our portal, we diligently screen and evaluate their profiles. We then provide you their details and candidates will also contact you directly on your given contact email or number.
- At this stage, our responsibility concludes, and the further process lies in your hands. You can review the candidate profiles and proceed with your preferred selection and recruitment procedures.
- Rest assured, we are committed to delivering top-notch HR services, facilitating efficient hiring processes, and connecting you with the right candidates. Partner with The True HR today and experience HR excellence at its finest.

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